Porcelain veneers could be your solution to crooked, chipped or stained teeth. With porcelain veneers, Dr. Krasowski can create a beautiful, straight, white smile in as little as two visits.

Porcelain veneers are thin shells of ceramic bonded to your existing teeth. By itself, porcelain is naturally delicate, but once it’s firmly attached to your tooth, it becomes amazingly solid and sturdy.

Porcelain veneers are commonly used to:

  • Repair minor tooth imperfections and defects
  • Conceal stained or discolored fillings
  • Brighten and whiten teeth
  • Close the spaces between teeth

Offering long-lasting, dramatic results, porcelain veneers provide key-benefits over other chair side veneer procedures. They are exceptionally natural-looking. Porcelain veneers mimic the properties of your natural teeth, reflecting light only after it has gone through the surface, giving you a completely natural smile. Veneers are also remarkably stain resistant. Since porcelain is ceramic, stain-producing products roll right off the surface, just like glass. Even for those who don’t want to give up their nightly glass of vino, veneers could be the answer. Red wine, coffee, and black teas are three frequent causes of tooth staining. Dental porcelain can resist these better than our natural tooth enamel can.

Chair Side Veneers

Chair side veneers can fix defects caused by:

  • Chips in teeth
  • Cavities
  • Stained teeth
  • Gaps in teeth
  • Mismatched or misaligned teeth

Chair side veneers produce dramatic results. In just one visit, you can achieve a brightened and improved smile.

Dr. Krasowski is experienced at achieving dazzling results for his patients through chair side veneers. Contact Krasowski Dental today to set up a personal chair side veneers consultation. While located in the Wausau area, Krasowki Dental conveniently serves the surrounding areas of Rhinelander, Stevens Point and Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin.